When do I get paid?

When do I get paid?

All visits that are submitted and approved by 11:59pm on a Monday are included in that week's payment It can take up to two working days for this payment to show in your bank account.

You should expect to receive your pay by Thursday morning at the latest.

Please note that if you submit a visit on Monday it will need to be manually approved by the person that booked you. Automatic approval only happens overnight and wouldn't show in time for you to be paid. 

Contact Care Possible at support@carepossible.ca or 204-975-3080 if you have any questions about getting paid.


When are my visits paid?

We are often asked questions about pay and why certain visits have or haven’t been included in each week’s pay run. Here is a quick outline around how payments through Care Possible work.

Think about submitting your visits as a type of timesheet. You are confirming that these hours of work have been completed by you. If you haven’t made any changes to the hours set by your client, then Care Possible will automatically approve your visit within 24 hours. Sometimes you may need to make small changes, for example if you were running late and did 30 minutes less work than usual, or your client needed you to stick around for an extra hour and you can easily edit your hours when submitting visits. If changes have been made though, they will need to be directly approved by your client.

Care Possible carries out a weekly pay run each Tuesday, which means only visits approved by Monday at 11.59pm will be processed and paid that week. If you submit a visit later than 11:59pm on a Sunday, or you have made changes to your visit, you will need to have your client log in and approve it to make sure you get paid at the right time.

All visits that are submitted and approved by Monday 11.59pm are paid out in that week’s pay run, meaning you should receive payment for these by Thursday. any unapproved visits roll over to the next week’s pay run. While it can be stressful missing out on payment for a visit, we carry out pay runs each week which means it’s never too far to your next pay.

Have questions or need support? Contact Care Possible at support@carepossible.ca or 204-975-3080.


Your responsibilities as a worker on Care Possible


Notifications at Care Possible